Virš Dzūkijos praskridęs lakūnas Paulius pamatė gaisro padarinius: tai jau visos šalies nelaimė
Tai jau visos šalies nelaimė!
Nors Alytaus gaisras jau suvaldytas ir beveik užgesintas, pasekmes apylinkių gyventojai ir vietoje dirbantys žmonės jaus dar ilgai. Kokia iš tiesų yra situacija Pietų Lietuvoje ir kaip dėl gaisro yra užterštas oras parodė į dangų lėktuvėliu pakilęs lakūnas Paulius Briedis. Vyras užfiksavo smogą, kuris tvyro itin dideliame plote.
„Skirta parodyti, kad Alytaus gaisras nėra lokali, o visos šalies nelaimė. Šios nuotraukos darytos pirmadienį vidudienį, skrydžio virš Alytaus ir Pietų Lietuvos metu. Nors dangus giedras, kai kur smogas nuo dūmų neleido matyti toliau 5 km. Kiek daug reiškia degimas be filtrų. Kone visa Pietų Lietuva kvėpuoja padangomis“, – laiške prie atsiųstų nuotraukų rašė P. Briedis. Gaisras padangų perdirbimo gamykloje Alytuje kilo praėjusio trečiadienio naktį. Penktadienį gaisras lokalizuotas, ugniagesiai šį trečiadienį įvykio vietoje dar dirbo, nes padangos gaisravietėje dar smilksta. primena, kad ketvirtadienį išlieka rekomendacija nevykdyti veiklos Pramonės rajone esančioms įmonėms. Be kita ko, išlieka draudimas prekiauti lauke bet kokiais maisto produktais.
„Gaisras pramonės rajone kol kas dar neužgesintas – gaisravietėje vis dar smilksta padangos, šiek tiek rusena perkasami degėsiai. Tikėtina, kad ketvirtadienio popietę jau pavyks jį užgesinti“, – rašoma savivaldybės pranešime. Pirminiais duomenimis įmonės UAB „Ekologistika“ patalpose iki gaisro buvo laikoma 1880 tonų naudotų padangų atliekų.
Aplinkai padarytos žalos skaičiavimo metodikoje nurodoma, kad sudegus 1 tonai gumos, yra taikomas 2678,16 eurų žalos dydis, tai yra apie 5 mln. eurų. Galutinė aplinkai padaryta žala bus įvertinta nustačius tikslų sudegusių gumos medžiagų kiekį
Š.Meškys BNS, ELTA ir informacija
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prieš 52 minučiųIt's important to be cautious when dealing with services that claim to recover scammed Bitcoin. This guideline illustrate solution for victims of cryptocurrency fraud.
iBolt Cyber Hacker can help you recover your scammed bitcoin. They have recovered countless cases for individuals, they have advanced tools that are handled by crypto recovery experts in the field of Recovery. Cyber Intelligence, Crypto Investigations, Asset Recovery, and Offshore Legal Experts formed iBolt Cyber Hacker Intelligence. They are trusted in the field.
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Halil Ibrahim
prieš 2 minučių"I was just like other victims who had put my savings into an investment platform hoping to make huge profits until I was told to continue paying more without any returns.
Email :
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david sutter
prieš 25 minučiųpeter rowland
prieš 5 minučių"I am open to share my experience with bitcoin investment and losing money to scammers. However, yes it is possible to recover your stolen bitcoins. I never believed in bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it was not possible. However, sometime in October 2023 I fell for a forex scam which promised overly high returns and I ended up losing close to $445,000. I searched for a month for help until I finally came across an article on reddit in regards to recovering stolen cryptocurrency so I reached out to them I was so scared and skeptical because I have heard of bad experiences but I decided to give him a try and to my greatest surprise I was able to get all my stolen bitcoins recovered from the scammers within a very short time frame, Please if you are also victim lossing your crypto investment and lost money to scammer please contact A1 wizard hackes to help you recover your funds and thank me later
E-mail :
whatsApp : +1 678 439 9760
Telegram : @A1wizardhackes
website :
Cryptocurrency Scam Recovery // Recover Lost Funds // Crypto Investment Gone Wrong. How To Hire A Hacker To Get Back Stolen Crypto Coins // Hire A Hacker To Recover Lost Or Stolen Bitcoin/Nft // Help I Can't Access My USDT Account, Seems I Got Hacked // Bitcoin Recovery Expert Needed.
A1 wizard hackes have got on board an energetic, dedicated, and skilled team that can recover your money, despite the complexities of a situation.
E-mail :
whatsApp : +1 678 439 9760
Telegram : @A1wizardhackes
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prieš 45 minučiųMichael Owen
prieš 11 minučiųContact them via email:
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Sofia Butler
prieš 18 minučiųI was taken advantage of during my investment into cryptocurrency as I fell into the wrong hands and $640,000 was stolen from me in b it coin. I almost gave up as I was told it was not traceable neither is it possible to recover then I saw an article about a technology guru named GHOST CYBER RECOVERY .. I contacted them and worked with them and to my surprise he was able to recover $640,580 I was so happy I decided to share this for anyone who might be in need of such service please write him on GHOSTCYBERRECOVERY@GMAIL.COM or WhatsApp them on +17347431873 and thank me later.
George Aaron
prieš 43 minučiųHenry
prieš 52 minučiųWhat To Do When You Fall Victim To A Crypto Scam.
Contact info:
E-mail :
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website :
Getting back stolen crypto can be an uphill battle, but there are Experts like A1 WIZARD HACKES that Can help you recover your lost Bitcoin. To ensure a positive outcome on recovery of lost Assets,A1 WIZARD HACKES starts the cryptocurrency scam recovery process by examining the narrative of events and the timeline of the scheme. Then, he later analyzes the available data & traces your virtual assets. Get in touch withA1 WIZARD HACKES to recover your lost Bitcoin.
Top 5 ways to recover your stolen or lost crypto || Hire a hacker to recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency || What to do if you lost Bitcoin? || I Lost $17000 in Crypto. Here's How I got back my Crypto || Getting Back Lost, Hacked or Stolen Crypto || Can You Recover Lost Crypto ? || How to Reclaim Lost Cryptocurrency in 2024 ? || How to recover lost or stolen crypto assets || Can lost crypto be traced back to me?
E-mail :
whatsssApp : +1 678 439 9760
Telegram : @ A1wizardhackes
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Jenda Andrej
prieš 24 minučiųPaul Becker
prieš 5 minučiųTELEGRAM: @BestwebwizardRecovery
WHATSAPP: +1(410) 202-1161
Reagan Pacco
prieš 35 minučiųIs it possible for scam victims to receive their money back from cryptocurrency scam? Yes, if you have been a victim of a fraud from an unregulated investing platform or any other scam, you may be able to reclaim what was stolen from you, but only if you report it to the appropriate authorities.
You may reclaim what you’ve lost with the appropriate strategy and evidence. Those in charge of these unregulated platforms would most likely try to persuade you that what happened to your money was an unfortunate occurrence when, in reality, it was a sophisticated theft. If you or someone you know has been a victim of these situations, you should know that there are resources available to assist you. Simply contact A1 WIZARD HACKES.
It is never too late if you have the right information your cryptocurrency will be recovered, reach out to A1 WIZARD HACKES
Contact Info:
E-mail :
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Cotez Hudson
prieš 21 minučiųderrick smrekar
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WhatsApp number: +1 (202) 773‑9556
George williams
prieš 11 minučiųAfter three successful trades, unfortunately, I became the victim of a scam that cost me a staggering £45,000. I tried contacting Government help, but it was clear I was getting nowhere. It felt as if I was left to deal with this alone until I decided to take matters into my own hands and search for help. That's when I found the A1 WIZARD HACKES.
The process was not easy, and there were many moments of doubt, but the team’s persistence and expertise ultimat
ely led to the recovery of my £45,000. If you’re reading this and have been a victim of a similar scam, I encourage you to contact A1 WIZARD HACKES for assistance.
Contact Info:
E-mail :
whatsssApp : +1 678 439 9760
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david sutter
prieš 22 minučiųAnthony Bill
prieš 46 minučiųHow to Safeguard Your Wallet and Get Back Lost Bitcoins with Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Company, l am Anthony Bill from Spain. I do dubbing, acting, and singing. I lost $235,000 to a cryptocurrency wallet due to forgetting my security words and passcode. After hearing about my predicament from a colleague, he advised me to get in touch with the Captain Jack Crypto HACKER team, a reputable hacker group that successfully recovered 95% of my funds. I am happy to inform you that there is a 100% likelihood that your dollars will be returned to your wallet as a personal testimonial. They are the best, and I know a lot of others who have also lost TETHER, BTC, USDT, and ETH in similar circumstances. That's why I'm sharing this to everyone in need of their assistance. These are the ways to get in touch with them.
+4915782317112 on Whatsapp
@captainjackcrypto11 on Telegram is the email address
prieš 36 minučiųalbert farr
prieš 3 minučiųNELS KATE
prieš 49 minučiųGlenn Whitehurst
prieš 27 minučiųI’ll advise others to be wary of the kind of emails they open, as this happened a few weeks ago when a phishing email was sent to my email unknowingly to me that it was a keylogger with the intent of stealing my private information and if not for the intervention of Morphohack Cyber Services, I would have been cleaned out completely. I contacted Morphohack Cyber Services a week after that incident and they detected the keylogger in my computer which has been there for months stealing my private information. If my crypto wallet was not drained, I would not have been aware of the keylogger in my device. Morphohack was able to secure my devices and retrieve my crypto wallet including the crypto assets. Their sophisticated security features and malware can beat any hacking tools available and they are very professional and ethical. Morphohack is a lifesaver and I hugely recommend their services. Their E-mail. & WhatsApp. +1 - 213 - 672 - 4092
prieš 29 minučiųMy private information was stolen by a cyber attack on my computer and digital devices, I lost the secret phrase to my coinbase account and I couldn’t access my wallet holding $427,000 worth of USDT, SOL$. I was devastated by this incident which was unexpected and happened quickly and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. I found out about Ghost Champion Hacking Service a few days later after going back and forth looking for a way to get this resolved. GHOST CHAMPION-service was able to detect how my computer was hacked and how to recover my secret phrases, within 72 hours of the process, GHOST CHAMPION successfully retrieved my secret phrases and access to my coinbase account, helped me build a firewall that continues to protect my computer from any hack in the future. It’s applauding the success Ghost champion guarantees when you hire them as I have seen many reviews online about their services. You can contact them via & Whats-App: +44 738-34-502-30
prieš 57 minučiųI am extremely pleased with the services provided by Supreme Asset Recovery. They skillfully helped me recover $141,800 in lost broker funds that I had fallen victim to scammers. From our initial consultation, their professionalism and expertise were evident. They kept me informed throughout the process, demonstrating a thorough understanding of asset recovery strategies. Thanks to their dedication and support, I was able to regain my lost funds. I highly recommend Supreme Asset Recovery to anyone needing assistance in reclaiming their assets. They truly deliver results!
WHATSAPP VIA: +1 -5-1-3- 2-6-6‑5-3-4-9
prieš 39 minučių