UAB „Kautra“ buvo priversta sumažinti tarpmiestinių maršrutų skaičių 2020 11 20


  • Eimantas
    prieš 22 minučių
    Nu nebutina buvo taip viska nuimti tu marsrutu galima kazkaip kitaip padaryti as grystu is kauno po darbo parp6--7 valandu y pirma alytu toliau manes nieks negabena niekur gyvenu vidzgiryje gal man tada kreiptis y kautra ar y miesto savivaldybe kad man kompensuotu taxi paslaugas nes visasis transportas varineja tik iki 17.30
  • Jerome Raf
    prieš 15 minučių

    Here are my recommendations. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT is the best choice to recover your lost funds back. I fell victim to a fake online crypto broker with my investment of $958,000. The broker promised me significant profits and I was initially successful in trading, which built trust with the broker. I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given them my utmost trust only to be fooled in this manner. While looking for help after losing my investment funds. I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Their expertise in crypto recovery is impressive, utilizing advanced techniques to track and recover my lost investment funds. Thanks to the experts for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If your crypto has been stolen in any way, contact the Expert as soon as possible.

    You can contact them through their hotline at +1(520)200-2320 (available on Phone/WhatsApp), or shoot them an email at They also have a great website at if you prefer that route.

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