Šiandien minima pasaulinė kovos su dykumų plitimu ir sausromis diena

1994 m. Jungtinių Tautų organizacijos Generalinė asamblėja paskelbė birželio 17-ąją Pasaulinė kovos su dykumų plitimu ir sausromis diena. Šiais metais priimta kovos su sausromis konvencija. Diena skirta informuoti visuomenę apie sausros padarinius ir padėti kitoms tautoms kovoti su šia problema.


  • Domisa Bells
    prieš 49 minučių
    DR. JOROMI IS TRULY A POWERFUL MAN. Contacting Dr Joromi is the best thing that has ever happened to me. My husband left me for another woman for the reason which i know nothing about. I tried every means to get him back but to no avail, all my efforts proved abortive. I was even contemplating suicide. On a lucky day when i was browsing the internet, i came across some amazing testimonies about Dr. Joromi on how he has helped a lot of people with his powerful love spells. I contacted him and explained all my problems to him and he assured me that he will help me. He told me what to do and assured me that my man will be back in 12 hours. I obeyed him and followed the instructions and to my Greatest surprise, my man called me in 12 hours time just as Dr. Joromi said. Thank you Dr Joromi. May the good God continue to bless you. If you are in need of help please contact Dr Joromi now on his website: https://www.joromispells.com and you can also reach him with his email: Joromispells@gmail.com and here is his WhatsApp number which you can also use to reach him +2348138695387 Thank you Dr Joromi. Thank you once again

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