Šiandien minima konstitucijos diena
1992 m. spalio 25 d. Lietuvos piliečiai referendume priėmė dabartinę Lietuvos Respublikos Konstituciją. Konstitucija (lot. constitutio „nustatymas“) – tai pagrindinis valstybės įstatymas, turintis aukščiausią teisinę galią, nustatantis šalies politinės, teisinės ir ekonominės sistemos pagrindus. Visų pirma, Lietuva yra nepriklausoma demokratinė respublika, besiremianti demokratijos principais. Lietuvos valstybę kuria Tauta.
prieš 15 minučiųI have a strong interest in this subject due to my prior experiences, which have increased my understanding of it. Had I had this information earlier, I would not have fallen victim to scams to the extent that I did, In my quest to earn enough money to retire early, I lost a lot of money to several investing platforms. I was clueless about how to restart after losing everything. Fortunately, I was directed to Morris Gray A Legitimate DIGITAL ASSETS RECOVERY AGENT by a friend. I was able to contact Him on: MORRIS GRAY 380 @ GMAIL COM, and they helped me recover my lost 13.6 BTC and introduced me to reliable investment platforms that are currently helping me realize my ambition of retiring early. Given how crucial this is, I hope it will assist someone who is in need of such services, you can reach out to him on, Whats App: + 1 607 698 0239 & Email: @ MorrisGray380 @ Gmail, Com…..